Exporting 5 tons of chemical supplies by air during a COVID-19 lockdown. | HTL
Exporting 5 tons of chemical supplies by air during a COVID-19 lockdown.

Client Profile

Chaitanya Biologicals is a top manufacturer and exporter of chemical supplies in India, specialising in a wide range of iron compounds and nutraceuticals.


We initially transferred the cargo to an Air India flight en route to Newark. However, payload issues ensued and the cargo was offloaded a few times. A few days later, Air India asked us to ‘Back To Town’ the shipment as their flights had all been cancelled due to COVID-19. As such, the challenge remained for us to complete the BTT process within a day. After that, Air India would not be responsible for storage and demurrage expenses.

To avoid this situation, our clearance and operations staff acted immediately. First, they procured all necessary documents from the shipper to apply and obtain an NOC from all mandatory customs officers. This was particularly challenging since most customs officers were not at work due to the lockdown.

In the meantime, we managed to arrange a transporter to move the cargo from Air India to the shipper’s factory. This too was a complex task to accomplish in the circumstances of the lockdown.


We safely and successfully completed the ‘Back To Town’ process of the chemical supplies from Air India to the shipper’s factory within the day. The cargo was stored there until, nearly 3 weeks later, we were able to transfer it to another airline. Three days later, the cargo arrived in Newark. As a result, the shipper was pleased with how our team handled the operation and marked it down as yet another successful cargo export in our 15-year partnership with them.